Belinda Blurb

Belinda Blurb is a character created for the release of the collection of books the « Re:Pacific » art&fiction editions, Lausanne.

« Dear Belinda Blurb, Welcome.

Welcome to you all, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends who give us the honor to participate tonight in the launch of five new publications of the collection Re: Pacific by art & fiction at the Dacha. Dear Belinda, we are moved, surprised, touched that, with your presence, you chose to crown this important time in the life of a publishing house and a moment so crucial in the path of each author: the launch of a book.
Dear Belinda, your radiant personality, your glittering beauty, with your 106 years of age (I should mention that you appear younger: you were born in New York in 1907 which makes you a contemporary Demoiselles d’Avignon), your sense of the à-propos, your powerful humor were the inspiration of countless publishers for over a century when it came to say in one sentence that their book deserved to be noticed, bought, read and loved.
Your mind is printed on kilometers of promotional banners, back covers, gondolas head with advertising flyers for one purpose: to love books. And tonight down, as you stepped off your eternal bookmobile, you chose to appear in person, here in Lausanne and promote with your sublime headbands the books of our collection. Five books that tremble as they face the wideness of the world and rely on you to make their first steps.
Why us, why these five books? We might never know, you are not the kind to justify your good will. Let me thank you again and give the floor to the President of the Association Art & Fiction, artists editions, for an address whose official nature cannot hide the feeling of humble gratitude that filled us all. »

Stéphane Fretz, speech in honor of Belinda Blurb for the release of the five-book collection of the new Re: Pacific. art&fiction, Lausanne, 2013. 

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