Oeil pour Oeil

Œil pour œil — 1min16 This video is black-white. It is characterized by the fact that we can recognize the features of a human face. I did not want to cancel out all the shapes of my physionomy as I did in all my previous vidéos. But this monster is very special since it is…

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Muette — 1min08 Mute shows us her tongue and smiles. In these strange grotesque expressions, the closed eyes, the action concentrates only on the lower part of the face.

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Chinoiserie — 1min06 This video depicts a recognizable face, yellow and hairy. This shorter video is more expressive as well as more narrative. Indeed, one could recognize human specific moods. The portrait has more meaning in that sense. A painting in motion.

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Monstre lui dit sa mère

This video is made with a hundred chewing gums. The sound is discreet but omnipresent. The material’s colour initially caught my eye with its friendly and childlike aspect and because it is malleable. This pink mask (candy) became monstrous. The familiar shapes of a transformed face and recognizable lips accentuate the ambiguity between human and monster.

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Sommeil — 1min37 This video is defined by its gentleness. The material is less aggressive to the eye and sound also more discreet.   A gentle slumbering monster.

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Que je sois médusée

Trailer de la vidéo Que je sois médusée, is a fluorescent video! Always in the same spirit as the others, mouvement comes here only through matter.

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Molte — 2min06 In this video, I creaed a face costume using (1’500) little nails that allow me to change this primitive animal with the help of small facial movements. The purpose of my approach is to forget the many volumes that are associated to our face and tell the human only to be in…

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This video is characterized by a slight sound of crumpled paper. Just like in « Molte », facial volumes are completely annihilated in favor of the material’s expression. However, a stare remains in this video! The simplicity of the materials I use is personally fundamental, I am very attached to the material’s visual sensation.

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