
“My name is Marcelle, with two (L)… to Marcel Duchamp, the other one, saint Marcel the precursor. Without him, no concept, no comtemporary art… nothing. And then there’s Marcelle Bujart, myself Bujart, with a (T), Buj-art.
Marcelle has a tendency to make art in all circumstances. She’s wanted everywhere. There isn’t a biennale, not an art fair, nor an art center that isn’t fighting for her to come. This goes without saying but some people would die to be where is. She’s not offended by it, she can’t help it, that’s just how it is, she lets it run, royaly, generously. Without being stingy and in a démocratique fashion, Marcelle will reveal the secrets of the creation of her famous domestic performances to her audience. By the same occasion, she will offer her creed in a contagious laughter: ‘Do it yourself with pleasure,’ because according to Marcelle, the rest is secondary.”

Création: Bis.Collectif/Céline Masson et Florence Grivel
Text, sound and stage directing: Florence Grivel
Lighting: Nicolas Mayoraz

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